Michael C. Knaus


Course material

Causal Machine Learning (consolidated material of courses taught at Universities Aarhus, Hamburg, Luzern and Tübingen)

Causal Christmas Tree Challenge

The Challenge

Solutions 2022

Student shinyapps

Check out the Causal Forest Fun shinyapp my Tübinger Master students prepared as group assignment.

Simulation notebooks

These R Notebooks illustrate concepts and methods with simulated data. You can extract the code by clicking on the top right button and download the Rmd file to run/modify the code.


Supervised ML:

Causal ML:

Application notebooks

These R notebooks use the pension dataset of Chernozhukov and Hansen (2004) that is part of the hdm package. Focus is on hand-coding the methods to see how they work.

Identification notebooks

Showcase the use of DAGs and SWIGs.