Replication comments:
The many required NxN smoother matrices make this notebook relatively memory intensive (32GB RAM should suffice).
Running the notebook within the replication docker ensures that results perfectly replicate. Otherwise, results might differ depending on which package versions you use.
This notebook runs the application described in Section 5.1 of Knaus (2024). The first part replicates the results presented in the paper, the second part provides supplementary information
First, load packages and set the seed:
if (!require("OutcomeWeights")) install.packages("OutcomeWeights", dependencies = TRUE); library(OutcomeWeights)
if (!require("hdm")) install.packages("hdm", dependencies = TRUE); library(hdm)
if (!require("grf")) install.packages("grf", dependencies = TRUE); library(grf)
if (!require("cobalt")) install.packages("cobalt", dependencies = TRUE); library(cobalt)
if (!require("tidyverse")) install.packages("tidyverse", dependencies = TRUE); library(tidyverse)
if (!require("viridis")) install.packages("viridis", dependencies = TRUE); library(viridis)
if (!require("gridExtra")) install.packages("gridExtra", dependencies = TRUE); library(gridExtra)
Next, load the data. Here we use the 401(k) data of the
package. However, you can adapt the following code
chunk to load any suitable data of your choice. Just make sure to call
the treatment D
, covariates X
, and instrument
. The rest of the notebook should run without further
data(pension) # Find variable description if you type ?pension in console
# Treatment
D = pension$p401
# Instrument
Z = pension$e401
# Outcome
Y = pension$net_tfa
# Controls
X = model.matrix(~ 0 + age + db + educ + fsize + hown + inc + male + marr + pira + twoearn, data = pension)
var_nm = c("Age","Benefit pension","Education","Family size","Home owner","Income","Male","Married","IRA","Two earners")
colnames(X) = var_nm
In the following we run double ML with default honest random forest
(tuning only increases running time without changing the insights in
this application). As standard implementations do currently not allow to
extract the outcome smoother matrices, the OutcomeWeights
package comes with a tailored internal implementation called
, which is used in the following.
First, we run all estimators with 2-fold cross-fitting:
# 2 folds
dml_2f = dml_with_smoother(Y,D,X,Z,
n_cf_folds = 2)
results_dml_2f = summary(dml_2f)
Estimate SE t p
PLR 13903.3 1539.3 9.0323 < 2.2e-16 ***
PLR-IV 12931.8 1914.3 6.7554 1.504e-11 ***
AIPW-ATE 11680.5 1185.0 9.8566 < 2.2e-16 ***
Wald-AIPW 11332.9 1661.0 6.8228 9.448e-12 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Now, we use the get_outcome_weights()
method to extract
the outcome weights as described in the paper. To illustrate that the
algebraic results provided in the paper are indeed numerical
equivalences and no approximations, we check whether the weights
multiplied by the outcome vector reproduces the conventionally generated
point estimates.
omega_dml_2f = get_outcome_weights(dml_2f)
cat("ω'Y replicates point etimates?",
all.equal(as.numeric(omega_dml_2f$omega %*% Y),
ω'Y replicates point etimates? TRUE
Run double ML also with 5-fold cross-fitting:
# 5 folds
dml_5f = dml_with_smoother(Y,D,X,Z,
n_cf_folds = 5)
results_dml_5f = summary(dml_5f)
Estimate SE t p
PLR 13898.6 1525.3 9.1123 < 2.2e-16 ***
PLR-IV 13194.8 1902.7 6.9348 4.322e-12 ***
AIPW-ATE 11574.8 1158.6 9.9903 < 2.2e-16 ***
Wald-AIPW 11386.7 1638.4 6.9499 3.887e-12 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
extract the weights and confirm numerical equivalence:
omega_dml_5f = get_outcome_weights(dml_5f)
cat("ω'Y replicates point etimates?",
all.equal(as.numeric(omega_dml_5f$omega %*% Y),
ω'Y replicates point etimates? TRUE
We use the infrastructure of the cobalt
package to plot
Standardized Mean Differences where we need to flip the sign of the
untreated outcome weights to make them compatible with the package
framework. This is achieved by multiplying the outcome weights by \(2 \times D-1\):
threshold = 0.1
create_love_plot = function(title, index) {
D ~ X,
weights = list(
"2-fold" = omega_dml_2f$omega[index, ] * (2*D-1),
"5-fold" = omega_dml_5f$omega[index, ] * (2*D-1)
position = "bottom",
title = title,
thresholds = c(m = threshold),
var.order = "unadjusted",
binary = "std",
abs = TRUE,
line = TRUE,
colors = viridis(3), # color-blind-friendly
shapes = c("circle", "triangle", "diamond")
# Now you can call this function for each plot:
love_plot_plr = create_love_plot("PLR", 1)
love_plot_plriv = create_love_plot("PLR-IV", 2)
love_plot_aipw = create_love_plot("AIPW", 3)
love_plot_waipw = create_love_plot("Wald-AIPW", 4)
Create the combined plot that ends up in the paper as Figure 2:
figure2 = grid.arrange(
love_plot_plr, love_plot_aipw,
nrow = 2
Alternatively, we can also apply 10 instead of 5-fold cross-fitting:
dml_10f = dml_with_smoother(Y,D,X,Z,n_cf_folds = 10)
results_dml_10f = summary(dml_10f)
Estimate SE t p
PLR 13530.4 1516.6 8.9216 < 2.2e-16 ***
PLR-IV 12609.8 1885.9 6.6864 2.411e-11 ***
AIPW-ATE 11298.4 1158.4 9.7537 < 2.2e-16 ***
Wald-AIPW 11080.6 1647.1 6.7271 1.826e-11 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
omega_dml_10f = get_outcome_weights(dml_10f)
cat("ω'Y replicates point etimates?",
all.equal(as.numeric(omega_dml_10f$omega %*% Y),
ω'Y replicates point etimates? TRUE
We observe that it does sometimes improve over 5-fold and sometimes is worse. 5-folds seem to provide a good compromise between balancing quality and computational speed.
create_love_plot = function(title, index) {
D ~ X,
weights = list(
"2-fold" = omega_dml_2f$omega[index, ] * (2*D-1),
"5-fold" = omega_dml_5f$omega[index, ] * (2*D-1),
"10-fold" = omega_dml_10f$omega[index, ] * (2*D-1)
position = "bottom",
title = title,
thresholds = c(m = threshold),
var.order = "unadjusted",
binary = "std",
abs = TRUE,
line = TRUE,
colors = viridis(4), # color-blind-friendly
# Now you can call this function for each plot:
love_plot_plr = create_love_plot("PLR", 1)
love_plot_plriv = create_love_plot("PLR-IV", 2)
love_plot_aipw = create_love_plot("AIPW", 3)
love_plot_waipw = create_love_plot("Wald-AIPW", 4)
Finally, we investigate descriptives of the weights. Given the results of the paper it is most interesting to observe that the “Sum of weights” of PLR(-IV) and Wald-AIPW indeed are only scale-normalized. However, they all sum to values very close to one.
cat("2-fold: \n")
Weight summary for estimator PLR
Control Treated
Minimum weight -epsilon* 0.0001
Maximum weight 0.0005 0.0006
% Negative 0.0194 0.0000
Sum largest 10% 0.2322 0.1394
Sum of weights 0.9963 0.9963
Sum of absolute weights 0.9985 0.9963
* epsilon < 1e-04
Weight summary for estimator PLR-IV
Control Treated
Minimum weight -0.0007 epsilon*
Maximum weight 0.0007 0.0007
% Negative 0.1527 0.0000
Sum largest 10% 0.3573 0.1649
Sum of weights 0.9953 0.9953
Sum of absolute weights 1.8597 0.9953
* epsilon < 1e-04
Weight summary for estimator AIPW-ATE
Control Treated
Minimum weight epsilon* epsilon*
Maximum weight 0.0003 0.0030
% Negative 0.0000 0.0000
Sum largest 10% 0.1562 0.2878
Sum of weights 1.0000 1.0000
Sum of absolute weights 1.0000 1.0000
* epsilon < 1e-04
Weight summary for estimator Wald-AIPW
Control Treated
Minimum weight -0.0028 -epsilon*
Maximum weight 0.0009 0.0030
% Negative 0.1485 0.0004
Sum largest 10% 0.3057 0.2920
Sum of weights 0.9993 0.9993
Sum of absolute weights 1.8643 0.9994
* epsilon < 1e-04
cat("\n\n5-fold: \n")
Weight summary for estimator PLR
Control Treated
Minimum weight -epsilon* 0.0001
Maximum weight 0.0005 0.0006
% Negative 0.0022 0.0000
Sum largest 10% 0.2287 0.1388
Sum of weights 0.9978 0.9978
Sum of absolute weights 0.9978 0.9978
* epsilon < 1e-04
Weight summary for estimator PLR-IV
Control Treated
Minimum weight -0.0007 epsilon*
Maximum weight 0.0007 0.0007
% Negative 0.1524 0.0000
Sum largest 10% 0.3569 0.1640
Sum of weights 0.9969 0.9969
Sum of absolute weights 1.8769 0.9969
* epsilon < 1e-04
Weight summary for estimator AIPW-ATE
Control Treated
Minimum weight epsilon* 0.0001
Maximum weight 0.0004 0.0033
% Negative 0.0000 0.0000
Sum largest 10% 0.1551 0.2881
Sum of weights 1.0000 1.0000
Sum of absolute weights 1.0000 1.0000
* epsilon < 1e-04
Weight summary for estimator Wald-AIPW
Control Treated
Minimum weight -0.0040 0.0001
Maximum weight 0.0011 0.0042
% Negative 0.1486 0.0000
Sum largest 10% 0.3058 0.2893
Sum of weights 0.9999 0.9999
Sum of absolute weights 1.8772 0.9999
# cat("\n\n10-fold: \n")
# summary(omega_dml_10f)